Stephen Moore
Executive Director
Stephen Moore was born in Ndola, Zambia and spent his formative years in Harare, Zimbabwe and is now proudly South African. Stephen was a senior manager at the Meyer Louw Partnership, one of South Africa’s most prestigious architectural firms, specialising in shopping centre design and the management of the architectural practice (a team of 80 architects, technicians and other specialist personnel).
He was instrumental in the realisation of Tyger Valley shopping Centre, the largest regional shopping centre in South Africa at the time. His specialisation in commercial architectural work also included being on the lead team for the complex design of an Olympic village for South Africa’s Olympics bid. Stephen has been in private practice for 22 years running his own firm and he has been active in residential and retail design with the mainstay being industrial and has been the preferred architect for Growthpoint Properties looking after their industrial portfolio in the Western Cape for the past 15 years.
He brings a wealth of experience to Quintessence by way of technical abilities, managerial skills, attention to detail, logistics and feet firmly planted on the ground approach to problem solving and project management. Stephen has partnered with Vernon Head and Charles Chabell on numerous of joint ventures in Africa and has spent many years cultivating relationships with influential citizens in these countries. A mutual trust and respect is vital when conducting business in a foreign land.

Stephen & Vernon have worked together on numerous projects both locally and into Africa, mostly into West Africa. Apart from numerous design studies into the hospitality trade which include cultural and eco-tourism in West Africa, they conducted in depth studies into low cost and social housing in these markets. A variety of building technologies were investigated in detail to find suitable and sustainable solutions to the housing shortages in Africa as a whole