Luc Missidimbazi
Senior Partner
Luc Missidimbazi is currently Director Broadband at ARPCE, the Agency of regulation of the post and electronic communications of the Republic of Congo and Technical Adviser to the Prime minister of the republic of Congo. He was the national coordinator of World Bank Central African Backbone Project which is a under regional interconnection project co-financed by the CEMAC countries and the World Bank. Before taking this function, he was Director of very high-speed Internet markets in the Agency of regulation of the post and electronic communications of the Congo.
Luc is also the founder of the International Forum of Information technology and Innovation (OSIANE) held every year in Brazzaville.
Trained in France (USTL Lille III) Engineer, he began his career at Alcatel, worked at Cegetel (SFR) and at Israeli ECI Telecom equipment supplier. He held in these Western groups, several positions such as the head of the Centre Technique of Lyon (Vénissieux) during the deployment of the first optical in Europe, project manager engineer networks and operational Manager.
OSIANE International Forum 2018 in Brazzaville
Luc Missidimbazi, acteur clé des TIC au Congo Brazzaville encourage l’initiative Objis
L’entretien avec Luc MISSIDIMBAZI
Échanges fructueux entre ARPCE Congo et France-IX
OSIANE International Forum
Luc Missidimbazi & La société HUAWEI va interconnecter le Congo au Gabon par fibre optique